Playing with slime became an overnight sensation in the late 1980s to early 1990s when TV shows and movies used it as props. It then became one of the most popular toys for kids, and children of all ages continue to play with it due to its versatility.
Many people do not know that they can make slime from home in a practical way. Most of the ingredients are right inside your kitchen. It is practically safe and easy to make, so you can play with your kids.
Check out the guide below to learn more about how to make slime from home in a practical way.

Uses of Slime
There are a lot of different kinds of slime, depending on the ingredients you used to create them.

Some are used as props for movies and TV shows, while others are often used as toys for kids.
With so many kinds of slime, they have different uses.
Used for Cleaning
Slime is often used to clean hard-to-reach areas due to their shapeless nature. It is often used in cramped spaces where slime can easily reach and remove dirt and other debris by attaching itself.
Slime easily removes grime and crud from your keyboard or any other area in your home.
Helps With Creative Expression
One reason parents often make slime is to help keep their young children entertained. Slime can also be used as a toy, allowing children to tap into their creativity and imagination and create anything with it.
Just make sure you monitor them while they play with the slime, as it can be a health hazard for very young children.
Develops Motor Skills
Slime can be anything your child wants it to be. They can easily play with, roll, flatten, or even just try to squish it.
This leads to the development of fine motor skills which is very important with coordination in young children. It also helps them build strength when they play with the slime.
Introduce Science
Making slime at home introduces your kids to science. It is very easy to make, and the ingredients can be found in your home.
When you make slime from home in a practical way, you develop their interest in science which is a good way for them to learn new things around them.
Go ahead and make sure that they are safe when making and playing with slime.
How to Make Slime From Home in a Practical Way
When it comes to making slime from home, you can always do it in a very practical way.

All of the ingredients can be found in your home, and you don't need to spend a lot of money to make one.
You can even have your children help you while you're making the slime for them. Check out the guide below.
Prepare the Ingredients
The first step in making slime is gathering and preparing all the ingredients. You will need PVA white glue, eye contact solution, baking soda, food coloring, baby oil, a spoon, and a large bowl to mix all of the ingredients.
Make sure that the bowl is big enough to fit a slime the size of your fist. Note that other types of slime do not use glue as the main ingredient.
Making the Slime
To make the slime, you need to add the PVA glue and half a teaspoon of baking soda. Mix it well and add the food coloring you like.
If you want the classic slime, add a light green or apple green food coloring to the mixture. Add a few drops of eye contact solution to the mix and mix it again. This will activate the slime.
Preventing the Slime from Drying Up
To prevent the slime from drying up quickly, add a few drops of baby oil. This also makes the slime a bit shinier than the usual sticky goo.
At this point, you can add anything you want to make your slime more fun, such as glitter or a different color.
Don't Forget to Clean Up
After mixing everything, let it rest for a couple of seconds. The slime will have a different consistency depending on how much solution and other ingredients you have added.
Add more oil and contact solution if you want a slimier texture. Lastly, do not forget to clean up after mixing all of the ingredients. Use the proper cleaning solution, or a simple soapwater solution will suffice.
How Long Does Slime Last?
Most of the time, slime immediately dries out due to the lack of moisture, but when stored properly, it can last several days.

It is best to collect the slime after using it and store it in the refrigerator. This keeps the moisture inside the slime, which can last up to a month without drying out or developing mold.
After using the slime, be sure to store it in a cool and dry place to ensure its quality and longevity.
Is It Safe?
Many people might wonder if the slime they made at home is safe for them and their kids. Generally, it is considered safe as long as they do not have any allergic reactions to the ingredients used to make it.
Some people might have a certain reaction to a specific type of detergent or any other ingredient in the slime.
The most important thing is to always monitor your child's play with slime and make sure that they don't eat it or put it in their mouth.
Once you have finished cleaning up after making the slime at home, you can finally enjoy playing with your newly created slime with your kids. This do-it-yourself slime at home is very popular with kids, so what better way to introduce it to them than by learning how to make slime from home in a practical way?